Basic Islamic Beliefs


  1. Basic Islamic Beliefs

Course Description

Subject: Understanding Iman (Intermediate)
Track: Sahih Iman

There are 5 Tenets (pillars/principles) of Islam, (i) Shahadah (Iman -faith), (ii) Salah (Distinctive Submission - a form of Islamic Prayer), (iii) Zakat (Islamic Charity), (iv) Sawm (Islamic Fasting), and (v) Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah). In this course we have explained briefly about the first Islamic tenet, ie., ‘Iman’, which consist of (i) Belief in Allah (عَزَّ وَجَلَّ) (ii) Belief in Angels, (iii) Belief in holy books, (iv) Belief in Prophets, (v) Belief in the Day of Judgment, (vi) Belief in Destiny and Fate, and (vii) Believe in Virtue and evil.

Course Curator

Ash Shaikh Mir Asedullah Quadri is well known all over the world for his explanation of Islamic Tawheed, Sahih Iman, Sahih Islam and Sahih Ihsan. He is a scholar, historian and poet. He is the author of Tafseer-e-Asedi, Irshad Al Asedi, Fusus Al-Iman and over 1000 books on various Islamic subjects. He has curated over 200 courses for the CIF International Academy. He has written many research articles on religion, history and other subjects. He is also the Editor in Chief of CIFIA Global Journal.

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